Greetings people, this is just a brief for the next chapter of the Pokemon Trading Card Game within the Sun & Moon expansions - Unified Minds.
Release date: August 2, 2019.
The eleventh set within the Sun & Moon series & we can of course expect to see the continued tag team theme with some of the cards.
There are 236 cards to come in this latest set, which is quite different from the quantity released for the Japanese equivalent expansion - Miracle Twin which sat at 115 - released May of this year.
Currently not all cards for the English set are released for viewing but we can get an idea of these from the Japanese release, including what looks to be about 34 GX cards (this includes art variations).
The below is an example of what we can expect; Mewtwo and Mew. These guys can use skills from other benched or already discarded Pokemon!! Leaving the player with plenty of choice and/or response! Not to mention the Miraculous Duo ability in which not only deals 200 damage, but with just 1 extra energy attached heals all your Pokemon.
A brief look at some more upcoming GX Tag Team cards
Expect to see some more decent tag team match-ups (and cool art to go with them) in this expansion, including these below.

Check out Slowpoke & Psyduck's Thrilling Times ability. Load them up with energy (more than 6 extra) and they can potentially pump out +1000 damage if you're lucky with coin flips ;).
Definitely some interesting and strong upcoming skills & cards that i'm sure people are eager to try out.
Where can i get mine?
We will be stocking this latest expansion on our website and you can preorder your booster box(es) below before the set is due to drop!
If there's any other items from the upcoming set you might wish to get your hands on, send us a message - this might include Theme Decks, Tins, Trainer Boxes or Card Folders.
Once again, you can look for this set from Friday, August 2nd or reserve yours now!!!
Check out the Official Pokemon TCG website here for a brief on some more of the new cards.
Play Hard, Stay Casual....and i guess, catch em' all????